Ping Test & Booster




Ping (latency is the technically more correct term) means the time it takes for a small data set to be transmitted from your device to a server on the Internet and back to your device again.This app is a simple ping for android. We tried to keep it as simple as possible. This tool can be used to determine if your device is connected to the internet.Ping is a network utility used to test reachability of an IP address or a host. It can measure the packet trip time which is called latency.:Ping Test & Booster app features- Work in the background- The application size is very small- Fast action and network test.Great for engineers, network researchers and gamers.What is a Good Ping Response Time?< 30 ms - excellent ping; almost unnoticeable; ideal for online gaming30 to 50 ms - average ping; still ok for online gaming50 to 100 ms - somewhat slow ping time; not too noticeable for web browsing but may affect gaming100 ms to 500 ms - slow ping; minimal effect on web browsing, but will create noticeable lag in online gaming> 500 ms - pings of a half second or more will add a noticeable delay to all requests; typically happens when the source and destination are in different parts of the world